Edit syslog configuration file vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf Restart rsyslog service service rsyslog restart Change owner of the firewall.log file chown syslog:adm /var/log/firewall.log After “kern.* -/var/log/kern.log” line add #iptables Log
We need computer with Windows and Skype installed, preferably the latest version. Turning off all programs that could connect to the Internet, windows update and everything else. Lets
We assume that already installed apache2 with php and vsftpd Now let’s create xyz.com site 1. Creating user for ftp access adduser xyz 2. Createing home directory for
For creating transparent proxy we need edit squid.conf and add iptables rules. Edit /etc/squid.conf file with your favorite editor, example vi vi /etc/squid.conf Add or change this lines.