vi Editor [Command] [How To]
|Basic vi commands
Command | Description |
TERM = terminal_name export TERM |
Setting Terminal configuration |
tput init | Initialize terminal as terminal_name |
vi filename | Open the vi text editor to edit the file filename |
a | Add text after the cursor |
h | Moves the cursor one character left |
j | Moves the cursor down one line |
k | Moves the cursor up one line |
l | Moves the cursor one character right |
x | Delete character |
Carriage return | |
Back from the input to command mode | |
:w | Write to the file |
:q | Quit Editor |
:wq | Write buffer to the file and exit the vi editor |
ZZ | Save changes to the file and exit from vi |
Cursor positioning commands
Command | Description |
Symbol positioning | |
h | Moves the cursor by one character to the left |
l | Moves the cursor one character right |
BACKSPACE | Moves the cursor one character left |
SPACEBAR | Moves the cursor one character right |
fx | Searches the specified character x from the right of the cursor |
Fx | Searches the specified character x from the left of the cursor |
tx | Moves the cursor on the right symbol of the specified character x |
Tx | Moves the cursor on the left symbol of the specified character x |
; | Repeats previous search symbol. The command ; remembers the character and looking for the next occurrence of character in the current row |
, | Repeats previous search for a character, but in the opposite direction |
j | Move the cursor down one line |
k | Moves the cursor up one line |
– | Moves the cursor up one line, positioning it at the first symbol |
+ | Moves the cursor down one line, positioning it at the first symbol |
Moves the cursor down one line and positioned on the first non-empty character | |
Line positioning | |
$ | Move the cursor to the last character in the string |
0 (zero) | Move cursor to first character in string |
^ | Move the cursor to the first nonzero character in |
Word positioning | |
w | Moves the cursor to the beginning of next word |
W | Moves the cursor to the next word after space (ignores all characters except space) |
e | Moves the cursor to the last character in the next word . |
E | Moves the cursor to the last character in the word (ignores all characters except space) |
b | Moves the cursor to the first character of the previous word |
B | It is used like a command b, except that the words are separated by only space and a new line |
Sentence positioning | |
( | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current sentence |
) | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next sentence |
Paragraph positioning | |
{ | Move the cursor to the beginning of this paragraph, which is limited by an empty string |
} | Move the cursor to the start of the next paragraph |
Positioning in window | |
H | Move the cursor to the first line of the screen |
M | Move the cursor to the middle line of the screen |
L | Move the cursor to the last line of the screen |
Moving the cursor in the vi editor
Command | Description |
Scrolling | |
^f | Scrolls the screen forward to the full window. Opens new window with the text located below the current window |
^d | Scroll text down on the half-windows. Opens the lines below the current window |
^b | Scrolling the screen back to full window. Opens new window with the text located above the current window |
^d | Scroll text up a half window. Opens lines located above the current window |
Position with the line number | |
1G | Go to the first line in file |
G | Go to the last line in the file |
^g | Show a line number and state of the file |
Search pattern | |
/pattern | Search forward in the buffer to the first appearance of the pattern.The cursor is placed on the first chapter of pattern |
?pattern | Search back in the buffer before the first appearance of the pattern.The cursor is placed on the first chapter of pattern |
n | Repeat the last search |
N | Repeat last search command in reverse |
Commands creating the text
Command | Description |
a | Write the text after the cursor |
A | Write a text at the end of the current row |
i | Write the text before the cursor |
I | Write text before first non-zero symbol in the current row |
o | Write the text from the beginning of a new line below the current row |
O | Write the text from the beginning of a new line, located above the current row |
Return the vi in command mode from text mode |
Commands deleting the text
Command | Description |
Input mode | |
BACKSPACE | Delete current character |
1w | Delete current word |
@ | Delete the current line of the new text or delete all new text in the current line. Command mode |
u | Undo the last command |
U | Restore the current line in the previous condition |
x | Delete current character |
ndx | Delete the n-th object of the text x |
dw | Delete the word above the cursor and the following space |
dW | Delete the word and punctuation above the cursor followed by a space |
dd | Delete current line |
D D | Remove part of string to the right of the cursor |
d) | Delete the current sentence from the current cursor position to the end |
d} | Delete the current paragraph from the current position to the end |
Commands for changeing the text
Command | Description |
r | Replace the current character |
R | ESCAPE Replace the characters are inserted in the ESCAPE mode |
s | Delete the character and add text. To end the input mode, press ESCAPE |
S | Replace all characters in the string |
cc | Replace all characters in the string |
ncx | Replace the n objects in text to type x (sentence, paragraph) |
cw | Replace the word or the remaining characters in the word with the new text |
C | Replace the remaining characters in the row from the cursor to end of line |
Command y
Command | Description |
nyx | Copy the n-th object of the text type x (sentence or paragraph) |
yw | Creating a copy of the words |
yy | Creating a copy of the current row |
nyy | Copy n lines |
y) | Creating a copy of the text to end of sentence |
y} | Creating a copy of the text before the end of paragraph |
p | Puts the contents of the temporary buffer, obtained by using the y |
Special commands
Command | Description |
. | Repeat the last command |
j | Connect the current row with the row below |
^l | Clear and restore the current window |
~ | Switch between lowercase and uppercase |
Line editor commands
Command | Description |
: | Indicates that following it command is the command of line-editor |
:sh | Temporary return to the shell to execute shell commands |
^d | Returning from a temporary shell in the current window to continue editing vi |
:n | Go to the n-th row of buffer |
: x, yw data | Write a string of numbers x to number y in the new file named “data” |
:$ | Go to the last line of the buffer |
:.,$d | Delete all rows in the buffer, starting from current to the last |
:r shell.file | Paste the contents shell.file after the current line in buffer |
Commands to end work
Command | Description |
ZZ | Write buffer to file, if after the last entry in the buffer changes were made, and exit from vi |
:wq | Write buffer to file and exit from vi |
:w filename | Write buffer to new file “filename” |
:q | Exit from vi |
:q! | Quit vi without recording buffer to a file |
Special options of vi
Options | Description |
vi file1 file2 file3 | Enter the three files (file1 file2 and file3) in the buffer of vi for editing |
:w | Save the current file and start |
:n | Edit next file |
vi -r file1 | Recover changes made in the file “file1” |
view file | View the file using the “read only” to prevent accidental changes to the file “file “ |