So, it’s time to make the IPv4-IPv6 gateway, to walk in “another Internet”, to whom he will soon. GO and register at The kernel supports IPv6, ie
The Combination of two 100 Mbit/c network cards into one virtual, with a 200 Mbit/s bandwidth. kldload /boot/kernel/ng_ether.ko kldload /boot/kernel/ng_one2many.ko ifconfig rl0 up ifconfig rl1 up ngctl mkpeer
How to add or remove alias for a network interface in FreeBSD Add: ifconfig fxp1 inet netmask alias Hide: ifconfig fxp1 inet netmask -alias
Update ports collection: Edit /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile and run: cvsup-G-L 2 ports-supfile Search: make search Key = "line" - search package by keyword. make search name = "line"- search by
This manual describes how to create file server, where users from can access their files with samba client and FTP server, (from windows too). In this example there
Suppose we have 2 cars PC1 (FreeBSD, ip-address IP1, interface INT1) and PC2 (Linux, IP2, INT2). Lets build IP-IP tunnel (on the side of FreeBSD will address TUN1,